How the metaverse could impact the world and future of business?

Shashank Kota
3 min readMay 18, 2022

We are currently in the age of technology where there are numerous amount of business leaders and changers. Many giants like Amazon, Google etc have changed the world by introducing their innovations so that the public can use for the betterment of their lives. This in-turn has changed how the world looks and how it is. All the technological innovations have improved their efficiency and productivity. We can consider this as a boon to us. Not only the other countries but India has also benefited from the advancement of technology. The current generation youngsters are becoming smarter day by day and are becoming the face of change of the business environment that we are experiencing today.

Metaverse is the future

Now if you look at the title, I have mentioned a new keyword i.e metaverse. What is metaverse actually? Metaverse is basically a digital connection where it uses social media, augmented reality and other various technologies which allows user to interact virtually.

What role does businesses play in the metaverse? Imagine if we could shop, play and do all the other basic fun things we do virtually at our homes comfortably. This sounds incredible. Education is the basic necessity for every individual. Thus, metaverse plays a key role in education business. The current ongoing pandemic is restricting everyone to meet their beloved ones and is forcing us to adopt new methods like e-learning platforms etc where we can interact virtually. Metaverse provides a whole lot new and fresh experience to the customers which provides them satisfaction and in-turn boosts the company growth. Online platforms like Zoom, MS-Teams have become very common and are in regular use by the customers to attend their day-to-day meetings with their clients.

Metaverse jobs are the jobs which primarily do their work with the help of metaverse like the examples we have seen in the previous paragraph. Metaverse is going to shake the careers and transform their lives for good in the future. We can take an example of Nike which has partnered with Roblox video gaming platform to build a virtual world called Nikeland. We must prepare ourselves for the job in the future. There are millions no. of opportunities for us waiting in the future and we must not hesitate to grab it. These days, students can also learn coding online and they can come up with new challenges and solutions to it. The best we can do now is to make them aware about the implications of the society and the skills required for them to fit into the metaverse.

Coming to the future of digital transformation, digitalization of the technology just makes us better day-by-day as we progress. This should be the forefront of every idea and strategy implemented by any company. The strong advancement of technology and the business depends on how well you strategize and connect with people. We have mentors all over the place and at this time their help is what we need. Who knows, in the next 10–20 years, Robots which are processed using AI will replace us by taking our jobs and will fall under the unemployment line which is a serious issue. With respect to metaverse, in the future you will be able to do all your daily activities through your contact lenses! As we move forward, our lives will eventually become digital and all the events will take online which further saves your time and resources. We can host large gatherings online in the future.



Shashank Kota

Studying in VIT, Vellore. Hobbies are to play cricket and code. Working as an Editor and Web Developer in Skillship Vellore,IEEE IAS and FEPSI.